About Us

Use this section to create a personal connection with your customers. The more a prospective customer knows about you, the more likely they are to buy or order from you. Define your offer and explain here why customers should buy from you or use your services.

Delivery & Returns

Here you can provide information on delivery, exchange, and returns. Where do you deliver to? Do you have a pickup option? What are your shipping costs? Tell your customers about the range of shipping options you have so that they could choose what’s best for them. Let customers know about how they can return an item bought from you or get a refund. What is the return period? Do you accept any items or only unused in the original packaging? Ensure they have the most up-to-date information on your return policy.

Payment Info

Use this section to tell about the payment methods you offer. Do you accept credit cards? Maybe it is possible to pay by cash upon delivery? Let your customers know how they can pay and choose just the right option for them. Ensure customers that their personal details are secure and the payment processing is safe and reliable. You can add a list of commonly asked questions about payments to save the time of your site’s visitors and give them the confidence to make a purchase.

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Contact Us

Our address
3456 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena California 91107
Open hours
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM